
Tag: fantasy

  • Strategies for Handling NaNoWriMo and Depression

    NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. Hoo boy. Now here is a lofty goal that has defeated many a writer. 50,000 words in 30 days? That is a LOT! In my last post about writing with depression I talk about starting slow, starting with a sentence a day until you build up to a habit of…

  • Worldsmyths October Update – Book Launch and New Writing Challenge!

    Worldsmyths October Update – Book Launch and New Writing Challenge!

    Book Launch Day! What on earth are we talking about? Myths, Legends, and Dreams! The speculative fiction short story anthology we’ve been working on since FEBRUARY.  Featuring 16 short stories from 14 authors, inside the pages you will find fierce dragons, cunning succubi, and dangerous thieves. There’s a story for everyone, from retired superheroes to…

  • On Writing Short Stories

    How to write a short story. Great topic for a place putting out a short story anthology. Several of our members have expressed being intimidated by short stories, so we wanted to give some advice on how to approach them. They aren’t lions, they won’t snap your hand off if you get too close. A…

  • Worldsmyths: A History

    Ally Kelly (JediKnightMuse) started Worldsmyths because she had looked for a community focused on the fantasy genre, and had been unable to find one. Determined to fill the need, Worldsmyths was founded in 2016 as a Facebook page, but swiftly moved to a website forum in June of 2016.  From the start writing challenges have…